AV Trends 2019: The Future of AV Starts with Self-Generating Content

We recently discussed five of the most influential trends impacting the AV industry. Perhaps the most intriguing is the concept of AV deployments fueled by self-generating content. For self-generating content to work as intended, the deployment must have a clear objective, uninterrupted access, and a noticeable presence.

Objective. As with any investment, a successful AV deployment with self-generating capabilities starts with an objective. After all, having a clear objective provides structure around the type of content the deployment shares. Having an objective clarifies how the content relates to the visitor and how it contributes to the big picture or story. Without a clear objective, it is difficult to captivate or more importantly engage.

Access. While a deployment of this nature could leverage a predetermined pool of content, providing access to the internet allows for the cultivation, collection and streaming of real-time data. This is important because it ensures that the deployment always remains current and relatable. 

As capabilities continue to expand and mature, these deployments could ultimately recognize who is in attendance and fully customize content to the audience. When coupled with access, self-generating deployments have the ability to deliver truly smart experiences.

Presence. Because of the ever-changing, highly customizable nature of self-generating content, the opportunity exists to turn these deployments into true focal points. Focal points that are capable of consistently providing the wow experience that is often the goal of any AV investment. This doesn’t happen without a noticeable presence.  Simply put, if you are making an investment in self-generating deployment, allow it to take center stage.

Self-Generating ContentCase in Point

Electrosonic’s award winning deployment for Empire State Realty Trust’s 250 West 57th Street Lobby does an amazing job of meeting all of the criteria. According to LiveDesign, the new Gensler-designed lobby features a features a 75.7′ x 7.8′ art installation in the form of an 8K LED screen created with Megapixel VR's 8K Rec. 2020 LED technology on the lobby ceiling. The unique installation used Revolution Display LED tiles and 4K processing to complete the transformation of the repositioned building lobby, modernized for the 21st century.

Artwork continually changes on the massive ceiling LED deployed at the Empire State Realty Trust's 350 West 57th Street Lobby.

“The massive screen creates generative, customizable images composed by legendary lighting artist Marc Brickman and award-winning video artist Lindsay Scoggins. The truly immersive experience evolves over a 24-hour cycle and is comprised of abstract art, live news feeds, galaxy depictions, and extreme weather. The technology ensures that the same image will never reveal itself more than once.”

The screen draws from behind-the-scenes algorithms to display a wealth of ever-changing information in real time. Online sources, such as weather, hashtags, and trending topics, allow the video artwork to adjust daily. As this input changes, the look of the video artwork reflects those changes.

As this Commercial Observer article discusses, the large high definition screen that spans the majority of the ceiling in the lobby welcomes building tenants each morning by “showing a sunrise across its length for two hours and weather in real time, then it moves into a variety of other timed segments. The next is news, which is scraped from news websites and flows on the screen with an abstract background.”


This post is one of a five-part series taking a deeper dive into the impactful trends we identified at the beginning of the year. Follow these links to learn more about each of the trends impacting the audiovisual industry today:

AV Trends 2019: Understanding the Smart Environment

AV Trends 2019: Recognizing Platform Evolutions

AV Trends 2019: Two Ways Security and AV go Hand-in-Hand

AV Trends 2019: Constant Convergence is Here to Stay. And Why it Matters

AV Trends 2019: The Future of AV Starts with Self-Generating Content

Overview Article: Top 5 Trends Driving AV in 2019

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